Emergency Chaplains Report

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Emergency Chaplains 10-33 Fund to help family after tragic fire loss

Durham, NC
August 17, 2010

The Ledwell family needs your help.

On Sunday morning the Ledwell family was awakened to find their home in flames. Today they are staying in a motel provided by the Red Cross and planning the funeral services for their 12-year old daughter, Destiny, who died in the fire. The grief they are facing today is almost unbearable.

There were three generations of the Ledwell family sharing the home that caught fire on Nebo Street. Destiny lived there with her brother, her parents and her grandparents.

Destiny's brother, Chris, was the first to be alerted to the fire by the smoke detectors going off. Everyone else in the house was awakened by Chris as he frantically tried to get into Destiny's room to save her. When it was too hot inside, he went outside and tried to get in through her window. Although he doesn't feel like a hero today, Chris is a real hero for saving the lives of his family and for his valiant effort to save his sister.

Right now, the family is receiving help from their church, friends, family and neighbors...but they desperately need the help of the community to make it through this. They want to give Destiny a proper funeral and burial. They need to replace burned items. They need to find a new place to rent that is large enough to hold their family. They need to replace lost income. Can you help them today?

Emergency Chaplains has an emergency fund for situations like this. It is called The 10-33 Fund. 10-33 is radio code for "Emergency--help needed immediately at this location."

For the rest of the month of August, all donations to The 10-33 Fund will be used to assist the Ledwell family with their expenses as they struggle through this most difficult time.

Please consider making a donation to Emergency Chaplains 10-33 Fund today. Make your checks payable to Emergency Chaplains 10-33 and mail to PO Box 14762, Durham, NC 27709. Donations can also be made via Pay Pal. Go to www.echap.org and follow the link to make a donation with Pay Pal.

The Triangle community is home to almost one million people. If only 1,000 concerned neighbors were to send $10 each today, we would be able to help the Ledwell family with $10,000 to help toward their expenses. Your gift, no matter what size, is significant. Would you consider being one in a million today to help this family make it through this tragedy?

Praying for the Ledwell family,
Chaplain Ralph