Emergency Chaplains Report

Monday, September 25, 2017

Individual + Group CISM 3-Day Class

NCLEAP is again partnering with Wake Tech Community College to offer the Individual & Group Crisis Intervention (CISM) peer training course on November 27-29, 2017.  This specialized International Critical Incident Foundation (ICISF) combined course meets the basic requirements for Peer training, and should not be confused with the Post Critical Incident Seminar.

Course DescriptionThis course presents a comprehensive, phase-sensitive, integrated, multi-component approach to crisis/disaster intervention. Small group role plays will allow participants to apply the techniques as they are learned. 

Training Location:  Public Safety Campus of Wake Tech Community College, 321 Chapanoke Road, Raleigh, NC  27603. 

Registration Fee:  Sworn ($0), Non-Sworn ($77.00)  There is NO registration fee for SWORN first responders (SWORN defined as Police / Corrections Telecommunicators / Fire / EMS)  Other Civilian personnel, such as Chaplains or administrative staff, will be charged $77.00 per student.  Course registration fee for Civilian personnel will be collected on the first day of class.  Forms of acceptable payment include check (payable to "Wake Tech Community College"), or credit card (VISA only).  Pre-payment is not an option.  Please bring your registration fee to the first day of class.  A receipt will be provided at that time.

Sworn Credential Requirements:   Police, Corrections Officers & Telecommunicators, please be prepared to present your agency credentials.  A fee waiver letter is not required for Police, Corrections Officers or Telecommunicators with proper credentials.

Fee Waiver Letter for FIRE & EMS personnel: Wake Tech requires an original signed letter from your agency head in order to meet the requirements for registration fee waiver.  Please use the attached template, printed on your agency letterhead, with an original signature of your Chief/Director.  Provide one letter per agency, listing all students from that agency in attendance, on the first day of class in lieu of payment.

Registration Link   http://lawenforcement.waketech.edu/  (scroll to bottom half of page)...

Registration Directions:  Search Course 186438 or type in CISM, then click “Next” to proceed with Registration.  If you’ve taken classes via Wake Tech Public Safety online registration previously, complete steps for “Returning Student”.  If you have never taken a class via Wake Tech Public Safety Campus before, complete “New Student” registration process.  Sworn personnel may complete the waiver process for no registration fee.  If you are civilian and there is not a job title to match your position, please complete the “New Coordinator” registration.