Emergency Chaplains Report

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Hometown Hero--Kevin Keith, Durham EMS

At 3am this past Saturday, I did something that I had never done before in my life. I called 9-1-1…..for me. I’ve called for others in the past, but never for me.

This would turn out to be a day of “firsts” for me, some that I prefer to forget. I desperately want to forget that I screamed at the top of my lungs several times because of the pain that I was in. I want to forget being strapped to a backboard and carried down a corkscrew staircase…while I was screaming.

I also want to forget my first ride ever on a bedpan at the hospital. Bedpans have a way of humiliating you. I was in pain during my bedpan ride….but for some reason I didn’t scream.

Paramedic Kevin Keith from Durham County EMS and Mike Collier from Bethesda Fire and Rescue were on Medic 41 on Saturday. Upon their arrival they found their patient (me) in excruciating pain and unable to move.

Although I was dehydrated, Kevin was able to establish an IV access to re-hydrate me and get some pain medicine on board. He gave me all the morphine that he could, but it still did not touch the pain emitting from my lower back.

I wanted to be able to walk downstairs and get on the stretcher but my back was in spasms that I can’t begin to describe to you. The decision was made to call Durham FD Engine 13-B for assistance in getting me down the steps.

Kevin, I want to say thank you for taking such good care of me on Saturday. Your IV placement lasted for my entire hospital stay. You did everything that you could to alleviate my pain and make my trip to Durham Regional as smooth as possible. You are the Emergency Chaplains “Hometown Hero” for this week.

Special mention also goes to Mike Collier, EMT from Bethesda Fire and Rescue and to the crew on Engine 13-B. I hated calling you guys out at 3am, but every one of you are professionals at your job and courteous in every way. Thanks for helping me out.

My hospital stay was only 36 hours and it turns out that I was having an allergic reaction to a new medicine that I am taking. We don’t know if the back pain was part of the allergic reaction or maybe the pain was compounded by the reaction. I also had a virus at the same time.

While all of my doctors are still standing around scratching their heads as they try to figure out what was wrong with me, I’ll just sit at home for few days and try to recover. I will also remember what it is like to be a patient. I am always taking care of patients and it is awkward when I have to be taken care of. This past Saturday gave me a whole new perspective on patient care.

Thanks again to Kevin, Mike and Engine 13-B for taking care of me. You guys are the greatest!


Note to Kevin: Sorry about the picture, but it was the only one that I could find of you.

Note to Readers: Kevin was posing for the camera doing an :Incredible Hulk" impersonation when this picture was taken.


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